The Calcutta High Court on Monday directed the Justice Shyamal Sen Commission to act as the nodal agency to redress grievances against the ponzi scheme operators in West Bengal.

The State government formed the Shyamal Sen Comission last year to ascertain claims of thousand of investors duped in Saradha money collection scam.

The court, however, felt that the Commission could take up complaints not just by those duped in the Saradha scam; but, also others affected by similar companies.

A petition challenging the ambit of the Commission was filed before Justice Dipankar Dutta by a person who was affected by another deposit-taking company. The State government’s counsel, however, submitted that the Commission was set up to deal with the Saradha Group and its allied companies.

But Justice Dutta held that the notification based on which the Commission was set up would bring the Saradha Group and other similar companies running ponzi schemes under its ambit.