Portuguese Prime Minister Jose Socrates resigned on the eve of a key EU summit on the euro zone debt crisis after Parliament rejected his new austerity plan, increasing Lisbon’s chances of seeking a bailout.

All the five Opposition parties on Wednesday voted against his Socialist government’s fourth cost-cutting plan in a year aimed at avoiding a multi-billion euro financial bailout like those given to Greece and Ireland.

The political drama threatened to derail a two-day summit that gets under way in Brussels today which is expected to finalise the bloc’s response to a year-long euro zone debt crisis.

It also will increase the borrowing costs for the Portuguese Government as it faces bond repayments amounting to €9 billion ($12.9 billion) falling due by June 15, boosting the probability that Lisbon will seek a bailout.

“The Opposition removed from the government the conditions to govern. As a result I have presented my resignation to the President,” Mr Socrates said after a 20-minute meeting with the President, Mr Anibal Cavaco Silva.

“This crisis will have very serious consequences in terms of the confidence Portugal needs to enjoy with institutions and financial markets.”

The euro fell sharply against the dollar on Wednesday due to market fears that events in Portugal would undercut the EU summit and stoke the year-long euro zone debt crisis.