Students singing Vande Matram , shouting slogans against corruption and carrying placards saying ‘I am Anna Hazare' broke the peace and tranquility of the heavily fortified Parliament House area here on Wednesday evening.

Having managed to evade the cordon of security all around the area, a group of about a 1,000 people, mostly students, turned out in strength to protest the Government action against Anna Hazare.

They seemed to be without clear leadership. Forming splinter groups of four to six, each set were seen doing their own thing. If one group of students was busy singing the national anthem for a television camera crew, another group was busy getting themselves clicked on each other's mobile phone cameras.

As is generally the case with mobs, there were a few militant ones — one bunch could be seen gheraoing a Delhi Police car carrying a top official and thumping on it. After a few tense moments and appeals by others not to indulge in such acts, as it would give the cops a chance to use force, the agitating youth moved away.

And in a comedy of errors, one of the protestors got into the police car and used the public address system in it to ask all the agitators to move towards Jantar Mantar.

Once they had made their point, the agitators melted away as quickly as they had gathered and the action moved towards Jantar Mantar. But not before giving the authorities a few anxious moments and the crowd of Government office-goers, waiting for their charter buses to go home, a ringside view of ‘live' television drama.

As a parting shot, one of the protestors walked back to Additional DCP, Seju P. Kuruvilla, and handed him a tri-colour much to the amusement of passersby.