While Anna Hazare supporters went euphoric after the Gandhian broke his 13-day-old fast, the Ramlila ground silently bore the brunt of the agitation as garbage and filth was left strewn around the venue.

Empty and partially-filled water bottles, biscuit packets, food packets, cartons, rice, curry, banana peel, dirty carpets, among others, were lying scattered all over the ground.

During the fasting period of Mr Hazare, the ground was cleaned by volunteers and MCD employees at regular intervals but today, after he broke his fast and left for Medanta hospital for check up, no such action followed.

Big size dustbins were placed at different corners of the ground so that all garbage could be gathered and thrown at public dustbins outside.

“We have other important works... Preparations for celebrations at India Gate are to be undertaken, and I am engaged in that. This is not my work,” a volunteer from Team Anna said, who was part of the team allocated to take care of keeping the maidan clean.

The kitchen — ‘Anna ki Rasoi’ — set up at one corner of the ground which was delivering free lunches to people, who assembled to support Mr Hazare, too added to the littering.

Cooked rice, curry, chopped vegetables and spices were strewn near the kitchen.