The remark on Ratan Tata is shocking and demotivating, said the Federation of Karnataka Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FKCCI).

FKCCI President S Sampathraman termed the recent observation on Ratan Tata made by the Bengal State Finance Minister, Amit Mitra, as shocking and provoking.

Ratan Tata is a symbol of Indian capitalism and is the country’s most revered business patriarch with many adventures connected with globalisation.

The industry body feels that such remarks on individuals do not augur well for the States as industrial development hamper due to these politically motivated comments.

Elected representatives needs to think more on larger development issues rather than privately attacking in the public platforms.

The business community must start rethinking as these utterances of politicians shows the scant respect for the industry leaders who have immensely contributed for the growth of the nation.

Ratan Tata's opinion needs to have been taken in right spirit and the State should have acted in launching more pro-development schemes rather than commenting on his personal traits.

The elected representatives needs to be more responsible and should focus on the progressive development of the States rather than making unwarranted attacks on the industry leaders of eminence.

It is unfortunate to see that utterances of the elected representatives tend to focus more on biased personal outlook and opinion sans the appreciation on the global contribution of industry leaders.