Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has impacted the Indo-Pacific region leading to countries, battered by two years of COVID-19 pandemic, having to deal with rising prices for grain, energy, and fertilisers as a direct result of ``Putin’s war of choice’’, European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen.

“In Europe, we see Russia’s aggression as a direct threat to our security. We will make sure that the unprovoked and unjustified aggression against Ukraine will be a strategic failure. This is why we are doing all we can to help Ukraine fight for its freedom. This is why we immediately imposed massive, sharp and effective sanctions,” Von der Leyen said at the inaugural session of the Raisina Dialogue on Monday.

Without any direct mention of India, which has abstained from voting on motions against Russia at the UN Security Council and UN Human Rights Commission, the EC President said that decisions taken in these days will shape decades to come. “Our response to Russia’s aggression today will decide the future of both international system & global economy,” she said.

The EU’s sanctions against Russia had been designed in a way to sustain them over a longer period of time, Von der Leyen said. “Because this gives us leverage to achieve a diplomatic solution that will bring lasting peace. And we urge all members of the international community to support our efforts for lasting peace,” she added.

The EC chief said that strengthening and energising the EU’s partnership with India was a priority in this upcoming decade. “Both our economies thrive in a world of common rules and fair competition. We share the same interests in safe trading routes, in seamless supply chains, and in a free and open Indo-Pacific. Both our regions are driving forces in the digital revolution. This makes us natural partners in setting global standards, to make sure that the rules of the analogue world also count in the digital domain,” she said.

Stressing on the need to work for a more sustainable and green future for our planet, she said that India and the EU should pool their strength in the fight against climate change.

The Raisina Dialogue is India’s flagship annual conference on geopolitics and geo economics jointly organised by the Ministry of External Affairs and the Observer Research Foundation.