Protests against the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project (KNPP) that have led to delay in its commissioning are “gimmicks and games” of those who do not want to see India emerge stronger, Russian Ambassador to India Alexander M. Kadakin has said.

He told reporters here last night that the first KNPP unit is almost ready and the second one will be ready within six months.

“But as regards pressure from protesters and from other people, these are all gimmicks and games. The games by those who do not want to see India strong, who don’t want India and Tamil Nadu to have really much power,” the envoy, who was here yesterday to attend the 40th anniversary of Russian Centre of Science and Culture, said.

Earlier this week, Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd had said the commercial operation of the 1,000-MW first unit of the controversy ridden Indo-Russian project is expected by January. It also said that commercial operation of the second unit has also been fixed for August 2013.

Anti-nuclear activists, spearheaded by People’s Movement Against Nuclear Energy, have resorted to a series of protests including “sea siege” of the plant, demanding its scrapping, citing safety concerns.

Commissioning of the first unit was originally scheduled for December last year but it has been delayed due to protests.