Scope of the Bill

- No land acquisition by Government for private companies for private purposes

Where R&R norms will apply

- When private firms buy more than 100 acres in urban areas

What is Public Purpose?

- Land acquired in public interest where the benefits largely accrue to the general public

- Land acquired for Government or PSU for infrastructure projects

- Urbanisation projects for private firms for producing goods or providing a public service

- Consent of 80% of the project affected to be obtained through a prior informed process

Definition of ‘Affected Families'

- Land owners and livelihood losers (including landless labourers)

Food Security

- Multi-crop irrigated land will not be acquired, except as a demonstrably last measure


-Urban: Award amount not less than twice that of the market value

-Rural: Award amount not less than four times the original market value; earlier it was six times.

R&R Entitlements

- Land owners: Subsistence allowance at Rs 3,000 a month for 12 months; Rs 2,000 a month a family as annuity for 20 years; Rs 50,000 for transportation; mandatory employment for one member of affected family

- Livelihood losers: Subsistence allowance at Rs 3,000 a month for 12 months; Rs 2,000 a month a family as annuity for 20 years; one-time resettlement amount of Rs 50,000; mandatory employment for one member of affected family

Source: Draft Bill