Four days after the Calcutta High Court’s ruling, privately-operated Haldia Bulk Terminals (HBT) is yet to resume operations of mechanised berths at Haldia port.

In its interim order on October 19, the Court directed the State administration to ensure safety and security of the cargo handler and prevent disruptive activities.

HBT, a joint venture between private sector operator ABG-LDA and Kolkata Port Trust (KoPT), stopped cargo handling since September 25 citing “lawlessness” at the Haldia dock complex (HDC). HBT had filed a writ petition seeking the Court’s intervention to restore law and order at HDC.

“We are unable to start operations as the additional police guards have not been deployed so far as directed by the Court. The district and police administration have not made arrangements for other security measures at HDC,” Gurpreet Malhi, Chief Executive Officer of HBT, told Business Line .

The Court directed that “temporary police guards shall be deployed at the expenses of the petitioners” in order to ensure no disruptive activities “hinder cargo handling operations at berths 2 and 8”.

According to the order, the additional police personnel should also be “instructed to ensure the security and safety of all concerned associated with cargo handling operations at berths 2 and 8”. KoPT Chairman Manish Jain was not available for a comment on this issue.
