Member-countries have sought clarity on the utilisation of funds during the first Assembly of the India and France-led International Solar Alliance.

At present 44 countries have signed and ratified the ISA framework agreement. This is out of the 68 countries that have signed the agreement. The ISA is a network for 121 solar-rich countries between the Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn.

The day-long Assembly saw member-countries expressing apprehension over the dominant role that India is playing. An official present at the meeting said, “Since the ISA Secretariat is based in India, some member-countries were worried that there may be too much interference of the Indian government in the operations of the secretariat. There may also be cost overruns.”

“The Indian government representative however clarified that the present expenditure allocation has been limited to bare minimum for setting up the ISA Secretariat,” the official said.

The first Assembly of the ISA focused on the governance, rules and regulations that will define the functioning and a work plan of the alliance for the coming months.

More consultations

The member-countries also demanded that they be consulted more for charting the course of action which the ISA will adopt.