India recorded a total of 622 MW of solar power installations in the first seven months of 2013, with only 73 MW installed in the last three months. 

Mercom Capital Group, llc, a global clean energy communications and consulting firm, said on Thursday  the decisions made by India to pursue anti-dumping investigations and domestic content requirements have all but paralysed the sector. The Indian economy continues to face challenges with slow growth, high interest rates and a weak rupee, making life harder for solar companies, the consulting firm said.

It has forecast that India is likely to reach 1 GW in 2013, which is flat, year-on-year.

The growth of Indian solar installations of late has been driven by the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM) with a goal to install 20 GW of solar power by 2022, and various State policies and State RPOs.

Mercom has reiterated its global photovoltaic installation forecast of approximately 38 GW for 2013, marking a 23 per cent growth y-o-y and noted an improvement in solar power market conditions in its recent analysis.