Spot rubber finished weak on Thursday. The market continued to remain under pressure on buyer resistance though there was no visible selling pressure from dealers or growers. The volumes were dull.

RSS 4 declined to Rs. 119.00 (120.00) per kg according to traders. The daily reference price for the grade was quoted marginally higher at Rs.126.80 (126.45) per kg by the Rubber Board.

The January futures slipped to Rs.116.99 (117.92), February to 119.00 (119.51), March to 119.95 (120.28) and April to Rs.121.00 (121.67) per kg on National Multi Commodity Exchange (NMCE).

RSS 3 (spot) firmed up to Rs.105.65 (105.38) per kg at Bangkok. The January futures improved to ¥ 184.6 (Rs.98.00) from ¥ 183.5 per kg during the day session and then to ¥ 184.8 (Rs.98.19) per kg in the night session on Tokyo Commodity Exchange (TOCOM).