Fixing standards for the services sector will help India in improving competitiveness of businesses and enhance trade, a top government official said today.

With increasing trade in services, standardisation in the sectors such as education, ICT, tourism, retail and logistics are important, said Secretary in the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Keshav Desiraju.

“The national, regional and international standards in the service sector will improve enterprise competitiveness, boost trade, and enhance safety and security,” BIS said quoting Desiraju in a statement.

He was speaking at the Pacific Area Standards Congress (PASC) workshop here, which was organised by Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS).

PASC aims at framing a common strategy on international standardisation. BIS is member of this Congress.

Speaking at the occasion, Commerce Secretary Rajeev Kher said India’s exports of services were $151 billion in 2014-15 and it contributes around 58 per cent to the country’s GDP.

“The government is committed to encourage the services sector along with the ‘Make in India’ campaign,” he added.