Just about a month back, 33-year-old IT professional Siddhi Arora decided to restart her career after a one-and-half year maternity break. But, the global pandemic got her worried about her second innings.

Arora persisted with her online search, came across JobsForHer- an online portal that enables women to accelerate their careers by connecting them to jobs. She signed up, started getting relevant job opportunities besides mentorship, the lady noted.

Neha Bagaria, Chief Executive and Founder of this online portal told BusinessLine that close to 1.85 million job aspirants across the country had registered on the portal, which connects them to 7000+ companies.

“The number of women looking to restart their career is on the rise,” observed Bagaria, adding “opportunity to work from home is also catching up in the aftermath of Covid-19. The supply is greater than the demand.”

She said, “We are seeing well-qualified women looking for flexible roles, restart their career. Companies are also looking to take advantage of the present by considering to reduce office space and fixed manpower cost. Work from home is becoming a reality; companies are looking to widen their access to talent.”

To a query about job loss, she said: “There is always a demand for skilled workforce. There could be some job loss in the travel and tourism industry, aviation sector, but job aspirants will need to upskill and keep pace with the latest development. There have been instances of cancellation of campus hiring offers on the one hand and virtual hiring on the other over the past three weeks. Companies like Cisco and Danke IT are conducting virtual hiring events.”

Platforms like BridgeLabz that provides skilled engineers to start-ups and SME has moved to virtual training with their online boot-camps for fresh graduate engineers.

Narayanan Mahadevan, Founder, BridgeLabz said that the platform is providing an opportunity for fresh engineer graduates to utilize the lockdown period efficiently and upskill themselves.

Similarly, Digiperform- platform providing digital marketing training courses has also shifted its training modules online and offering discounted prices.