Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday exhorted BJP workers to carry the message of his development agenda to the people and not be “distracted” by what he described as “efforts to push the government off course”.

Delivering the valedictory address at the party’s national executive, Modi said the effort of the BJP should be to stay on the course of “vikas, vikas aur vikas (development)” and not digress from that path. “Forces are trying to divert us from our course. We all have to stay calm and unaffected. We must stick to our agenda despite these attempts,” the Prime Minister was quoted as having told the BJP workers. Details of the Prime Minister’s address were divulged to the media by Home Minister Rajnath Singh. “The Opposition will drag us into negative politics but we need to stay focused on our development agenda,” Modi reportedly said.

Singh said the Prime Minister told the workers that “Vikas, vikas, vikas is my only focus and it is our solution to all problems”.