Sweden is likely to lift the entry ban on travellers from India soon, probably by the end of the month.

Sweden had an entry ban in place because of the pandemic. But we issue visas for essential travel. I am hopeful that travellers from India will soon be exempt,” said Sweden’s Ambassador to India Klas Molin in an interaction with BusinessLine . The travel ban had last been extended till October 30, 2021.

A traveller to Sweden does not necessarily have to be vaccinated but needs to be tested for Covid-19 on entry.

Interestingly, despite the pandemic slowing down the Indian economy, Swedish businesses in India are upbeat about their prospects here. As part of the India Business Climate Survey 2021 carried out by Sweden, more than 60 per cent of about 190 Swedish companies in India that participated, stated that majority of Swedish companies are very optimistic about the Indian market and plan to expand operations. About 51 per cent of respondents want to increase investments during the upcoming 12 months.

Molin said. “If you look at Swedish companies in India in totality, estimated between 220-250, I think more than 100 have come in the last ten years. There is a positive trend,” he said.

Taking on the challenge of promoting bilateral investments even in pandemic times, the Swedish Embassy in India, with some help from the Indian Embassy in Stockholm, is organising a roadshow to attract new investors from Sweden to the country next month. “Our Prime Ministers have tasked us to increase both the level and volume of trade and invesment. In this case we are travelling to Sweden. And I am taking part of my team here in Delhi,” Molin said.

The Ambassador’s team, which would include the trade commissioner, the counsellor for trade and invesment, the counsellor for science and innovation and the Managing Director of the Swedish India Chamber of Commerce, will meet up in Sweden with representatives of the Sweden India Business Council, to go on the five-day roadshow, starting October 8, to promote India as an investment destination. Invest India’s Deepak Bagla, too, would be participating in the initiative.

More than 200 Swedish companies are expected to participate in the roadshow that will take place in four cities including Stockholm, Lulea, Gothenburg and Malmo.

Trade in goods and services between India and Sweden has increased from $3 billion in 2016 to $4.5 billion in 2019. India is the third largest trading partner for Sweden in Asia.