The Tax Administration Reform Commission will focus on four major elements in its first report, which is to be submitted to the Government in May.

TARC Chairman Parthasarathi Shome said here on Friday that the first report would suggest changes including capacity building, use of information technology, fixing of responsibility and accountability to bring down compliance cost and improve administration’s productivity.

The commission, Shome said, decided to divide its recommendations in five reports. The Union Cabinet set up the seven-member TARC in August last year with a 18-month term.

In the first report, the TARC would also recommend measures minimising dispute resolution, improving services and tax-payers’ education programme. These would also include new mechanism for grievance redreassal, simplified and timely disbursal of duty drawback, export incentives, rectification procedures and refunds.

The commission was in Kolkata to have inputs from industry on the tax administration. The TARC has already gathered industry suggestions from three other metros.