The world of Mario Miranda

P.T.Jyothi Datta Updated - May 21, 2012 at 11:28 PM.


Long winding roads and lush green expanses lead to a red-stone structure that looks like a ship. And in it is the Museum ‘Houses of Goa'.

Located at Torda, the triangular-shaped building looks imposing from a distance, but is in fact personal, even homely, to tourists who have to buy their entry tickets into the museum from the solitary lady at the reception.

On climbing the winding steps to the levels above, you get a glimpse into a variety of Goan arts — music, mosaic, furniture and, of course, Goa's very own Mario Miranda.

Mario Gallery

But that is just a teaser, if you are a fan of cartoonist Mario Miranda. For, across the road, in another homely building, is the Mario Gallery.

A small pathway through a garden, and you enter the Gallery, to be greeted by several of Mario's characters looking at you from the walls.

“To err is human, to forgive canine,” says one angelic dog on a small tile panel hung up on the wall.

With the signature bulging eyes, shapely body and squiggly tail characteristic of Mario's works, these four-legged creatures and other similar furries featured regularly in his illustrations and cartoons.

As you soak in the intricately detailed cartoons, you cannot help but smile at Mario's irrepressible wit revealed in his comments and titles of his sketches.

A slice of life comes through the detailed illustrations of rainy days, church gatherings, crowded markets, pubs and romances — all set against backdrops and architecture typical of Goa.

Besides clippings and several other Mario associations that you find at the Gallery, is the room tucked away at the upper level that houses Mario's original works.

Tiles and postcards

The Gallery is run by Architecture Autonomous, an architectural firm specialising in ecological designs.

A larger Gallery is coming up around the corner from the existing place, says curator Mr Gerard da Cunha.

But for those who have not met the legendary cartoonist and want to take back a bit of Mario with them, you can take your pick from several of his sketches or humorous cartoons, converted into postcards, tile panels and diaries, to brighten up your homes.

Published on May 21, 2012 17:58