India and Pakistan discussed the way forward on the TAPI pipeline and supply of petroleum products to Pakistan, said Dr Asim Hussain, Minister of Petroleum and Natural Resources, Pakistan, after his bilateral talks with S. Jaipal Reddy, Oil Minister of India at Petrotech 2012. 

Saying that there is political will to see the TAPI pipeline project through, Hussain stated that progress on the project is on track. The consortium is expected to commence operations in 2014 and gas supply though the pipeline is expected to start from 2018, he said. On Tuesday, Reddy had assuaged concerns about security of the pipeline saying that the sovereign countries that were part of the consortium have undertaken full responsibility to provide security in their regions. 

Regarding the export of petroleum products from India to Pakistan, Hussain reiterated that this depends on the price for the products. While polymers are already being supplied by India to Pakistan, trade in products such as diesel and petrol can be decided after pricing has been finalised. Oil companies of India would approach their counterparts in Pakistan with pricing proposals, Hussain and Reddy added.