The Foreign Ministers of India and Pakistan are to meet again in Islamabad during the first half of 2012 to review progress in relation between the two countries, the Foreign Minister, Mr S.M. Krishna, said on Wednesday.

Addressing the media after talks with the visiting Pakistani Foreign Minister, Ms Hina Rabbani Khar, Mr Krishna said that they had had useful discussions and that the talks were held in an atmosphere of cordiality and positivity. “With relations on the right track, we still have some distance to travel; but with an open mind we can reach the desired destination,” Mr Krishna said.

The Minister added that a joint statement would be issued later in the day. The joint statement is likely to focus on additional cross-border trade and travel, increasing trade and economic cooperation, which should be mutually beneficial.

The Minister said that he was satisfied with the outcome of the talks.

Addressing the media, the visiting Pakistani Minister said she was more confident today than she was when she arrived yesterday. She said that Pakistan was committed to the process and added that Pakistan subscribed to SAARC vision on trade.