The Tamil Nadu Government will soon call for bids from health insurance providers to participate in a comprehensive health insurance scheme.

According to an official press release, the term of the present scheme ended on July 5, and the new scheme will provide a bigger and wider coverage. Pending the launch of the new scheme, life saving treatments will continue to be covered under the terms of the earlier scheme.

Some of the elements of the new scheme being envisaged are: A cover of Rs 1 lakh a year per family with provision for a higher cover of Rs 1.5 lakh for specific illnesses.

The earlier scheme provided a cover of Rs 1 lakh per family for the four-year period; the new scheme covers over 950 types of treatment compared with 642 treatments previously; diagnostic tests prior to surgical procedures will also be covered under the new health insurance scheme.

The expenses will be covered, if the patients recommended to undergo these tests through government hospitals or medical camps, do not need to undergo surgery following the diagnostic procedures. The earlier scheme does not cover such treatment if the patient does not under go surgery.

Other additional features in the proposed scheme include cover for expenses incurred by the patient a day before being admitted into the hospital and for five days following discharge from the hospital; and cover for treatment that may be needed following surgery.

Dedicated facilities

Government hospitals will also be upgraded with dedicated facilities created under this scheme to encourage the public to use the services of Government hospitals. The insurance cover will also be paid to government hospitals apart from certain types of treatments, which will be extended only in Government hospitals under this scheme, the release said.