Cutting across political affiliations, thousands of workers belonging to 11 Central trade unions and federations from nearby States marched to Parliament on Thursday, protesting against the economic policies of the UPA Government.

The meeting later reiterated its resolve to go on a two-day countrywide general strike on February 20-21, 2013.

The meeting also adopted a resolution to support the struggle of the Maruti Workers Union in Manesar, demanding the reinstatement of all workers who were “terminated illegally and withdrawal of the false cases against the workers.”

Among the other issues raised were workers’ right of association, social security, Rs 10,000 minimum wages, as also price rise, privatisation and disinvestment. The meeting was the culmination of a two-day country-wide ‘jail bharo’ agitation on December 18-19, a CITU member said.

The workers, from both the organised as well as unorganised sector, belonged to unions affiliated with Centre of Indian Trade Unions, All India Trade Union Congress, Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh, Indian National Trade Union Congress, Hind Mazdoor Sabha, SEWA, UTUC, TUCC, LPF, AICCTU and AIUTUC.
