A comprehensive transport strategy will soon be adopted for Chennai with the Unified Metropolitan Transport Authority (UMTA) starting to function, according to the Tamil Nadu Housing Secretary, Mr Phanindra Reddy.

Addressing media persons following the inaugural of Fairpro 2012, a property fair organised by the Confederation of Real Estate Developers Associations of India (Credai), he said the first meeting of the UMTA was held recently and a Executive Committee led by the Chief Secretary is to be constituted.

This would meet frequently to expedite the comprehensive transport strategy, he said.

The transport authority is to streamline and coordinate the various agencies handling the existing transport infrastructure.

The State Government has enacted the Chennai Unified Metropolitan Transport Authority Act 2010 providing for the creation of the authority to integrate all the modes of transport in Chennai, including buses, local trains, the MRTS (Mass Rapid Transit System), and the Metro Rail to provide seamless connectivity across the entire network. He said the Tamil Nadu Housing Department is working on speeding up plan approvals and streamlining procedures.

Some of the steps relating to expediting document scrutiny have helped cut down a few months of waiting time for developers. Since last June over 30 large projects that had been pending have been cleared – over 20 have been approved and the others have been rejected or more explanations sought, he said.

Fairpro 2012 is the fifth edition of the annual property fair by Credai in Chennai.

The three-day event showcases over 250 residential projects by over 65 developers.

A unique feature is that all the projects have been vetted for approval procedures and legal documents to ensure a hassle free investment for the buyers, said Mr T. Chitty Babu, President, Credai-Chennai.
