Over-dimensional trucks are a major cause of concern for the truck industry in Tamil Nadu. The trucks load cargoes above the prescribed norms, causing hindrance to road users.

These over dimensional trucks are penalised by other States, but in Tamil Nadu, they are let off by paying bribes, to officials, claim truck associations. This is affecting the truck industry. The trucker’s body is urging the Tamil Nadu government to act against those overloading trucks.

“In Tamil Nadu, RTO officers are accepting bribes and allowing the vehicles. The Tamil Nadu government is ignoring the Centre’s order and not penalising such vehicles. Execute the Central government notification and stop over-dimensional trucks,” said South Zone Motor Transporters Welfare Association (SIMTA). SIMTA along with State Lorry Owners Federation-Tamil Nadu (SLOF-TN) in Namakkal; Sankagiri Lorry Owners Federation and Gudiyatham Lorry Owners Association are spearheading the fight against the issue of over-dimensional trucks.

The permitted height to load cargo in a normal truck is 3.8 m (height) and 2.6 m (width). However, many trucks load cargo beyond this. States like Karnataka levy a fine of ₹20,000 on over dimensional trucks.

Hindrance to road users

Over dimension is a hindrance to other road users, said GR Shanmugappa, General Secretary, SIMTA. “Despite knowing well that over-dimensional load is against the law, some truckers continue to do so. If this continues, we may have to complain to the GST Council on this,” he added.

C Dhanraj, Treasurer, SLOF-TN, said there are nearly 3,500 over-dimentional trucks. In November, there was even a three-day strike against this, he added.

P Sundarraj, Advisor, SIMTA, said the clients should also be penalised for allowing truckers to overload the vehicles. “If we are fined ₹20,000, the clients should be fined ten times more as they are equally responsible for this,” he added.

Further, the truckers should also understand that by resorting to over dimension, they are depriving the business to other truckers who would be otherwise carrying the additional cargo. “The issue of over dimension not only hurts the image of the truck industry, but also affects other truckers’ business,” he said.

“We urge the Tamil Nadu government to strictly act on those truckers who are violating the norms,” said Sundarraj.