A significant number of people in India that were unemployed over the past two years has landed new jobs due to better economic conditions, says a survey.

According to a study by MyHiringClub.com, 46 per cent of the respondents that were terminated or resigned from their jobs between June, 2009, and May, 2010, reported that they have found new opportunities. Interestingly, 18 per cent of people who were surveyed were re-hired by their previous employers.

“Indian companies are in a better financial position today than last year and are gradually increasing staff levels to meet growing market demands,” the survey noted.

The study was conducted between March and June this year among more than 2,860 people, who were jobless from June, 2009, to May, 2010.

While 72 per cent of respondents said they found full-time positions, 21 per cent started their own venture and 9 per cent said that they found part-time jobs.

However, those who got new jobs had to comprise on the salary and location part. While 43 per cent of the respondents said they took a job with less pay, 23 per cent found one with more renumeration than their previous one. Moreover, over half of the respondents (52 per cent), who found new jobs, had to relocate.

“The job market remains highly competitive, opportunities are opening up across all industries and job levels, new talent are flowing in and out of industries as employees apply their skills sets to new occupations,” MyHiringClub.com Founder and CEO Mr Rajesh Kumar said.

Among female respondents, only 41 per cent found new jobs, compared to 59 per cent in the case of their male counterparts.

In terms of age, employees age 25 to 34 had the highest incidence of getting new jobs opportunities at 69 per cent.

In contrast, higher experienced and older aged employees still have big challenges to find job for themselves after terminated or resigned than other age groups. Employees in the age group of 52 or older had the lowest incidence of finding new jobs at 18 per cent.