Following a request from Turkey, the US Defence Secretary, Mr Leon Panetta, has ordered his European Command to provide humanitarian relief supplies to the victims of last week’s devastating earthquake.

The United States has received a request from the Turkish Government for humanitarian support in the wake of the devastating earthquake that struck Van province, Navy Capt John Kirby, a Pentagon spokesman, said.

“As a result, and in coordination with the State Department, Secretary Panetta today ordered US European Command to begin providing requested materials to Turkish authorities.

“USEUCOM will airlift relief supplies (blankets, cots, sleeping bags and hygiene kits) to Turkey within the next 18-24 hours,” he said.

Capt Kirby said the Government of Turkey continues to work with local authorities and other international relief agencies to cope with the after-effects of the earthquake and to provide for the needs of its people.

The death toll in Turkey continues to mount, with more than 570 people reported dead and another 2,500 injured so far.