Ahead of the India-ASEAN commemorative summit, the US has said that it is looking forward to see India and ASEAN signing a free trade agreement on services and investment.

The US also welcomed the steps taken to strengthen India’s ties with the region.

“They (India and ASEAN) have said that later this week they expect to enact a free trade agreement on services and investment, which would be something we would very much welcome,” State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland told reporters at her daily news conference.

The United States is looking forward to such an agreement, she said.

“Obviously, we value increased cooperation between India and ASEAN across the board politically, economically, and in security terms,” Nuland said.

India has concluded discussions on a free trade agreement (FTA) in services and investment with the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations and a formal announcement is to be made during the summit on December 20-21.