India today took over the chair of the governing board of Association of Supreme Audit Institutions (ASOSAI), which is the largest regional organisation of Government auditors.

The Comptroller and Auditor General of India, Mr Vinod Rai, is now the Chairman of this 45 nation strong Asian organisation of the Institution of the Accountants General. Mr Rai takes over this prestigious post from Pakistan's Auditor General, Mr Muhammad Akhtar Buland Rana.

On assuming charge of the new post, Mr Rai exhorted the Accountants General (AG) to upgrade their professional skills and help their respective countries combat the grave economic problems facing them.

These major challenges have imposed an onus on public audit institutions also to widen their canvas beyond probity and compliance, he said.

The increasing demands from citizens and legislature require AGs to transgress beyond being financial auditors to an objective evaluator of outcomes of Government spending and the efficacy of Government delivery channels for different projects particularly in the social sector, he said.