Journalists and employees of media organisations in Kerala would hold ‘vehicle jathas’ in all district headquarters in the state on March 20, demanding immediate implementation of the Majithia wageboard proposals.

A meeting of the co-ordination committee of Kerala Union of Working Journalists (KUWJ) and Kerala Newspaper Employees Federation (KNEF) also decided to hold a special convention and a protest rally at Kozhikode on March 25, the committee Chairman, Mr K.C. Rajagopal, and general convenor, Mr Gopan Nambat, said in a statement here.

The Confederation of Newspapers and News Agency Employees’ organisations had already announced a nationwide agitation on March 20, raising the demand for revision of salaries.

The delay in the implementation of the recommendations of the wageboard, which was notified on November 11 last year, was not justifiable, the statement said.