Inadequate availability of water is posing a major threat to industry across the country.

According to a FICCI Water Mission survey, that covered 75 companies across sectors, 37 per cent respondents felt water was a major area of concern, and 14 per cent said they were feeling the heat of poor water quality. Forty per cent respondents said they faced regular seasonal disruptions.

While 60 per cent respondents agree that availability of water is impacting their business today, the figure may rise to 87 per cent after 10 years, says the survey.

Water demand for the industrial sector will account for 8.5 per cent and 10.1 per cent of total freshwater abstraction in 2025 and 2050, respectively. This is a 4 per cent rise from the current level of 6 per cent of total freshwater abstraction by industry in 2010.

The survey pointed out that high costs for obtaining water were hindering the business interest of smaller industries and those located in drier regions. The situation is severe for industries belonging to the sectors such as thermal power, chemicals, textiles, cement and manufacturing, the survey said.
