There can be arguments over whether the pace of growth in industry and exports can be better but there is little doubt that the Modi government has put the economy back on rails, according to Minister of State for Commerce and Industry Nirmala Sitharaman.

“The paralysis of the last five years is so deep-seated that efforts have been made at various levels to get things moving,” she told BusinessLine in an interview on Sunday.

These efforts were, according to her, not palpable outside, thus giving rise to the impression that things are not moving fast enough. Refusing to agree that the original optimism that prevailed a year ago when Narendra Modi assumed office as Prime Minister has waned, Sitharaman said that there were expectations of rapid, quick change.

“We are going for the long haul keeping in mind that changes have to be made at various levels and ensuring that deep-seated lethargy and some deadwood at various levels have to be thrown out,” she said.

The Minister also found fault with Congress Vice-President Rahul Gandhi’s comments on the Amethi food park not getting clearance. “The food park got six extensions during the UPA government, after which it was found unfit and had to be rejected by the UPA government itself. So, clearly, Gandhi is misguided and not speaking with facts,” Sitharaman said.

She is of the view that the Land Bill is more farmer-friendly than the legislation framed by the UPA. The Act, as it now exists, has out of its purview 13 pieces of legislation under which land can be acquired for public purpose. Farmers would not get any compensation for land acquired under these legislation. However, the NDA’s Land Bill has included these 13 laws and farmers would be entitled to compensation when land is acquired for public purpose, Sitharaman said.