Women in the country manage fantastic educational qualifications but end up being at home. This is a gloomy scenario which can change only when women take the initiative to overcome obstacles, look at the bigger picture and work to reach top positions, says Vanitha Datla, Vice Chairperson and Director of Elico Industries and former Chairperson, CII-Telangana.

In her inaugural address at a 3-day Women in Engineering Conferencia-2017 here Vanitha quoted an IIT study (during 1990-2000) which found that less than 6 per cent of the women graduates are in work place, that's pretty dismal and our country can't afford losing out on such a huge workforce.

The conference is being organised by the Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology and Women in Engineering.

Referring to Japan, which had a high per centage of women at work, but still considered them to be fit only for soft roles. That cannot be our role model. We need our own role models, who reach high positions and work shoulder to shoulder with men, to to make our economy and country strong. Our GDP can take a stride only if women form part of our work force.

From Gender parity perspective too India ranks 108th in the Gender parity index. Present generation women should not give up and be responsible for their careers, continue to strive to accomplish and reach positions from where they can formulate policies and take decisions which can empower women, she said.

Girls in Engineering

In India, 39 per cent of women engineers are unemployed and less than 8 per cent are entrepreneurs, according to study done by `Girls in Technology.

In the global context, the study found that women in engineering is less than 22 per cent and only 8 per cent make it to the board rooms, said Sree Divya Vadlapudi, CEO of the organisation.

She said some of the reasons for this were lack of resources, accessibility of opportunities and limitations to move to locations for work and growth, despite the fact that thousands of girls are graduating annually in engineering. .

Girls in Technology India with headquarters in Hyderabad (an organisation started in the US with branches abroad) is determined to encourage more women in STEM professions (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics ) through right guidance and mentorship support.

P Narasimha Reddy, Executive Director of Sreenidhi Institute said the meetings will look at the role being played by women currently and what has to be done to empower. Sanjay Enishetty, founder 50k Ventures said in the start up arena only 20 per cent of the Tech start up were founded by women.

Women in Engineering is one of the largest international professional organisation dedicated to promoting women engineering and scientists and inspiring girls around the world to take to the profession.