Living standards remain poor in India, says UN study

PTI Updated - July 24, 2014 at 11:06 PM.

Human Development Index ranks India 135th out of 187 countries


In a sign that India has a lot of catching up to do, the country’s ranking in the Human Development Index (HDI) remained unchanged at 135, in 2013, reflecting little improvement in the living standards of its people, says a United Nations Development Programme report.

“India’s HDI value for 2013 is 0.586 — which falls in the medium human development category — positioning the country at 135 out of 187 countries. Between 1980 to 2013, India’s HDI value increased from 0.369 to 0.586,” said the UNDP report, released on Thursday.

The report further said that among the BRICS countries India remained at the bottom with lowest the HDI value.

“India is the lowest performing country among the BRICS nations in all categories of HDI with the exception of life expectancy, which is lower in South Africa as a result of the HIV/AIDS epidemic,” the report said. Among the BRICS countries, Russia, Brazil and China are in the high HDI category. Russia secured the highest rank, at 57, followed by Brazil at 79 and China at 91.

South Africa and India rank in the middle category, securing the 118th and 135th positions, respectively, it said.

The HDI reflects long-term progress in three basic dimensions of human lives — a long and healthy life, access to knowledge and a decent standard of living. In 2013, the study covered 187 countries, the same as in 2012 and 2011.

Published on July 24, 2014 17:36