The draft political resolution being discussed at the 84 plenary session of the Congress says the party will adopt a pragmatic approach for co-operation with all like-minded parties and evolve a common workable programme to defeat the BJP-RSS in the 2019 elections.

The resolution said the Congress is proud of its “illustrious history, legacy” and remains the party that truly represents India - multi-cultural, multilingual and multi-religious. “Congress Party is committed to serve people ofIndia at a time when the country stands at a crossroad as it faces the threat posed by authoritarian, divisive and disruptive forces,” it said.

Under the BJP regime, it added, the people of India - Farmers,  Khet Mazdoors , workers in the unorganised sector, self-employed, manual labourers, Dalits, Minorities, traders, unemployed youth and the poor have been betrayed. “Today, our core constitutional values are under attack. Our freedoms are in jeopardy. Our Institutions are under stress and their independence compromised. Our Republic must be protected at all costs,” the draft resolution said.

The Congress, it said, is prepared to make whatever sacrifices required to defend the ethos of Constitution. “We will purge the polity of the aberrations witnessed during the BJP regime, which has failed to honour its commitments to the people of India,” and gave a clarion call to its rank and file to rise to the occasion to defend the foundational values of Republic and constitutional democracy. “A resurgent Congress alone shall win back the idea of India as envisioned by the founding fathers of our nation,” it hoped.