A ‘smart’ microwave oven application built by a campus startup has met its crowd-funding target of $50,000 within just six days of the launch and is now cruising towards its stretch goal of $1,50,000.

SectorQube, founded by a group of engineering students three years ago, began the funding campaign for their flagship product MAID (Make All Incredible Dishes) on Kickstarter on October 29.

Kickstarter is a funding platform for creative projects.

With 16 days left for the campaign to close, they have already raised nearly $90,000 from over 250 funders.

The company’s Chief Executive Officer Nibu Alias said they have now set a stretch goal of $1,50,000 for their backers, but hope to raise around $2,00,000 by December 3.

MAID is a smart microwave oven connected to a social, crowd-sourced ‘recipe store’ on the Internet.

The oven can read out the selected recipe and display the step-by-step procedure while intuitively choosing the time and temperature needed for cooking. A MAID mobile app installed on the phone alerts the user when the dish is done.