21 AP Govt Web sites hacked

K. SRINIVAS REDDY Updated - February 17, 2012 at 02:28 PM.


Just a day before the Andhra Pradesh Finance Minister, Mr Anam Ramnarayan Reddy, is to present the State Budget in the Legislative Assembly, cyber criminals managed to break into the Government servers and hack the Web site which gives details of the budget. The hacker added an additional page on the site with URL - http://budget.ap.gov.in/Dz.htm .

This is one of the 21 Web sites of the Andhra Pradesh Government that have been hacked on Thursday exposing severe chinks in the cyber security.

Interestingly, the hackers did not deface the home pages of these different departmental Web sites but added additional pages with their messages indicating cyber intruders were not radical hackers who would steal the information or do other mischief, but those who just wanted to prove their capabilities.

The hackers identified themselves as !-Bb0yH4cK3r_Dz-! and Hmei7.

The hacked Web sites belonged to major government departments such as Gazette notifications, government orders, commercial taxes, GAD, horticulture, factories, remote and interior area development, etc.

While one hacker !-Bb0yH4cK3r_Dz-! added the page with URL extension of /Dz.htm the other Hmei7 added the extension /.x.htm to the original URLs.

Published on February 16, 2012 06:37