In a move that could give a breather to the former Telecom Minister, Mr A. Raja and the Home Minister, Mr P Chidambaram, the Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC) probing the 2G scam may decide not to call any politician to depose before the panel.

The panel has already gathered evidence from over 20 bureaucrats, including senior serving and retired officials of Telecom, Finance and Home Ministries, the Central Bureau of Investigation and the Comptroller and Auditor General.

The JPC Chairman, Mr P.C Chacko, said panel members have demanded that almost all former Telecom and Finance Ministers and even former Prime Ministers should be summoned before the JPC. The list will be discussed in the panel's meeting scheduled on June 12.

However, Mr Chacko said it may not be possible for the panel to summon all the people, as demanded. “We have already seen hundreds of files on the matter. We have examined all important witnesses. We have enough information to draft our report so that it can be submitted in December,” Mr Chacko told a press conference here on Tuesday.

He said “some senior members were absent in today's meeting. So, we have not taken a final decision on the list. However, members may not find it important to summon many names suggested earlier.” Senior members from the Opposition, Mr Yashwant Sinha and Mr Sitaram Yechury were absent in Tuesday's meeting. Sources said this could be one reason for not taking a final decision on summoning witnesses.

Mr Raja had earlier shown keenness to appear before the panel and the JPC was ready to summon him after deposition by the former Secretary, Mr Siddharth Behura, scheduled this month. Sources in the panel said Mr Raja is now not keen to appear before the panel. There was also a demand to summon Mr Chidambaram.
