Printing systems manufacturer manroland AG showcased 3D printing on plain newsprint at the WAN-IFRA India 2011 conference and expo held in Chennai between September 6 and 8.

The technology by which a 3D image can be viewed in the average daily newspaper using low-cost glasses was demonstrated by the German newspaper Bild last year. Pictures chosen to be displayed in that issue in 3D included a fighter jet on the title page of the publication, and the desk of the German Chancellor, Ms Angela Merkel.

Addition of the third dimension to an image is achieved either by shooting it in 3D with a suitable camera, or using software that recalculates existing pictures to achieve the same effect, according to the publication Messenger published by manroland.

Several pictures featured in the issue of Messenger were printed for viewing in 3D, including printing equipment and a nature landscape among others. Similar publications have come out from Thailand, Brazil, Belgium and other countries. The technology offers enhanced prospects for both advertising and editorial, and raises the appeal of printed newspapers, a company official said.