Microsoft’s 2024 Work Trend Index survey conducted along with LinkedIn, revealed that 92 per cent of Indian knowledge workers are using AI tools at work, surpassing the global average of 75 per cent. However, 54 per cent Indian leaders believe that their organisation lacks a plan and vision for implementing AI at scale.

Additionally, 91 per cent of Indian CEOs recognise AI’s importance for competitiveness. Notably, 75 per cent of Indian CEOs prioritise AI skills over experience, compared to 66 per cent globally, with 80 per cent favouring less experienced candidates with AI skills.

Despite executive pressure to demonstrate organisational impact, 72 per cent of AI users in India bring their own AI tools (BYOAI) to work. This BYOAI trend, reflects a proactive approach by individual employees to leverage AI for productivity gains.

The research identified four AI user types: sceptics, novices, explorers, and power users. Power users integrate AI daily, seek advice, try new features, receive more AI training, and have higher AI-related communication from superiors. Ruchee Anand, Head of Talent and Learning Solutions at LinkedIn, noted a 160 per cent increase in non-tech professionals adding AI skills, reflecting a shift towards a skill-first approach to learning. “If AI is opening your doors to the future, then skills are your entry ticket,” Anand remarked.

Irina Ghose, Managing Director, of Microsoft India and South Asia said, “Data from the Work Trend Index shows that AI is now a reality at work, with India having one of the highest AI adoption rates among knowledge workers, at 92 per cent. This AI optimism presents a tremendous opportunity for organisations to invest in the right tools and training, to unlock employee efficiencies and ultimately drive long-term business impact.”