Airtel has lost two more top executives even as it shows signs of a turnaround.

Felix Mohan, CIO for South Asia, Senior VP and Global Chief Information Security Officer, and N. Rajaram, Chief Marketing Officer for B2C services, are the latest to resign.

The exits come a few days after Jai Menon, the Group CIO, was asked to leave for alleged violations of the code of conduct.

Mohan reported to Menon but company insiders said that his exit is not linked to the allegations against Menon.

Mohan, who joined Airtel in 2006, is starting his own venture, which aims to provide security solutions.

Rajaram, on the other hand, joined Airtel in 2011, after spending nearly two decades in Hindustan Unilever.

Sources said that he was being increasingly sidelined under the new operational structure brought in by CEO Gopal Vittal.

An Airtel spokesperson confirmed that both Felix and Rajaram are in the process of leaving but did not provide any reasons.

Many exits A number of executives have left Airtel over the last year. In August, Krish Shankar, Executive Director, Human Resources, had quit to take a sabbatical and pursue an executive doctorate programme at a university in the UK. He had joined the company in March 2007. Prior to that, Shankar was Vice-President, Human Resources, at Unilever Asia-Africa.

Drew Kelton, President (B2B); Vineet Taneja, Director (South and Sri Lanka) and Bharat Bambawale, Director (brand) are among others who have left the company over the past 12 months.

Over the last 10-12 quarters, Bharti Airtel has been grappling with multiple issues related to slowing growth, a growing regulatory burden and a weak balance sheet. But Vittal has tried to turn the company’s fortunes around by focusing on improving the quality of customer service and cutting down on excess staff.
