Those who indulge in video piracy will now have tough time, thanks to ‘Indian Movie Cop’.The Indian Movie Cop (IMC) is an anit-piracy mobile phone application developed by the Andhra Pradesh Film Chamber of Commerce with the support of the US Embassy.

Information sharing

Dubbed to be the first-ever in the country, the application will facilitate speedy sharing of information of video piracy and is open to the downloaded into any smart from App Store.

While the registered users will have a facility to send info instantly on movie/video piracy, the application will help unregistered users to a stay abreast of film-related matters.

Speaking after formally launching the application here on Sunday, Nancy J. Powell, US Ambassador to India, said when a trademark, copyright or patent is violated in any country all other also lose.

“The Economic Bureau of the US Department of State and the US Consulate General, Hyderabad were pleased to have an opportunity to support Indian Movie Cop,’’ she said.

V. Dinesh Reddy, Director-General of Police, Andhra Pradesh, said the market size of Indian film industry was estimated at Rs 14,400 crore with about 1,050 film being produced every year. “Out of this 14 per cent revenue is lost due to piracy,” Reddy said.

The illegal money obtained by video pirates would go into black money and fall into the hands of anti-social elements, he added.
