Flytxt, provider of Big Data analytics solutions with a development centre here, is tying up with US-based VoltDB that specialises in high-speed data processing and real-time analytics in a single database.

Flytxt has integrated VoltDB’s database with its analytics platform, a company spokesperson said here.

Data ‘triggers’

VoltDB’s technology will help Flytxt platforms to generate various ‘triggers’ from massive volumes of data at a faster pace, the spokesperson added.

Telecom service providers use the Fltyxt platform to extract actionable intelligence from billions of events streaming each day from more than 200 million mobile subscribers.

The Flytxt solutions help more than 50 customers in 32 countries to increase revenues, reduce churn, drive data adoption and growth, optimise margins and generate new revenue streams.

Flytxt products are built around patent-pending technologies that interpret, infer, discover and predict key performance indicators, insights, recommendations, and actions from huge subscriber data.

Real-time data

“The partnership with VoltDB enhances the capability of our platform to act upon insights derived from subscriber actions in real time,” said Prateek Kapadia, CTO, Flytxt.

Bruce Reading, CEO of VoltDB, said that mobile service providers are striving to be able to analyse and interact with customer data as it arrives in real time.

VoltDB delivers in-memory analytics for Flytxt platforms to enable telecom providers to engage with customers faster and enhance revenue.

Companies in the mobile, financial services, energy, advertising and gaming space use VoltDB to maximise business value of data at every interaction, Reading said.