Planning a trip to Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Pune, Hyderabad or Ahmedabad? You’d better login to Google’s Transit or Google Maps on your mobile to make your travel in the city much easier and save time.

Using a variety of search queries, one can have a graphic idea of roads and bus routes to get to, say, India Gate in New Delhi or Gate of Way of India in Mumbai. Users can also key in queries using ‘from’ and ‘to’ to get a map, a nearest bus-stop to get there.

On Wednesday, Google has added Chennai and Hyderabad on to the Transit and maps, allowing people and visitors in these cities to quickly check and use bus and train routes.

Google already tagged Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) and Ahmedabad Municipal Transport Services (AMTS). Google maps cover bus and local train/Metro routes for Mumbai and Delhi, bus routes for Pune, Delhi, Ahmedabad Chennai, Hyderabad and Bangalore. Besides, it has local train, metro routes for Kolkata and Chennai.

It, however, puts a rider. The information would depend on the ‘real world’ factors such as traffic diversions on the day and other unscheduled blockages, a Google statement said.