Google's interactive doodle honours clay animator

Moumita Bakshi Chatterjee Updated - October 12, 2011 at 10:23 PM.


Internet users woke up to a sprightly new doodle on the Google home page – five bouncing clay balls which swiftly take the shape of Gumby and gang, the animated characters from America's hit television series which went on air in the 50s.

TRIBUTE TO ‘Art' clokey

The doodle is a tribute to Gumby creator Arthur ‘Art' Clokey, who was instrumental in popularising stop motion clay animation. He died last January. He would have been 90 today.

Stop motion refers to an animation technique, under which an object, say a clay figure, is moved in small increments and then captured in separate frames, leading to an illusion of a movement when seen in a running sequence.

Besides the star of the show, the jade-coloured clayboy ‘Gumby' who is seen waving on the Google homepage, the interactive doodle also features other characters of the series, including his horse friend ‘Pokey', the mischievous blockheads named ‘J' and `G', a little yellow dinosaur ‘Prickle', and blue flying mermaid ‘Goo'. The interactive stop motion clay doodle has been created by the Clokey Productions Premavision Studios.

Memorable doodles

Gumby first appeared in the 1953 short film Gumbasia, and became a hit on NBC through late 50s and early 60s. The show stopped in 1967 due to some problems. But it resumed with new episodes in the 80s on Fox, with reruns on Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network in the 90s. The series has been off the air since 2001.

Last month, the Google homepage featured six colourful and interactive muppets, a tribute to muppet creator, director and producer, late Jim Henson. In the past, other memorable doodles have been tributes to Charlie Chaplin, Martha Graham and John Lennon. But the biggest hit to date was one that marked 30 years of Pac-Man.

Another eye-ball grabber was a playable doodle in honour of legendary electric-guitar inventor Les Paul that allowed users to strum an online guitar, and even record and replay the notes.


Published on October 12, 2011 16:33