India’s public cloud services revenue will reach $638 million by the end of 2014, a 34 per cent increase over 2013 revenue, according to a study by research and analysis firm Gartner.

Public cloud services revenue is driven by high rates of growth in key market segments, namely cloud infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and software as a service (SaaS), two of the largest segments in the public cloud services market.

Spending on SaaS will total $249 million in 2014, a 37 per cent rise over last year. Spending on IaaS will grow 33 per cent to $77 million during the same period, Gartner said in a statement.

Gartner predicts continuing high rates of spending on cloud services in India through 2018 when the market is expected to reach almost $2 billion.

“The expanding use of information technology in India, coupled with aggressive adoption of cloud services, makes India a rich market for cloud services growth.

Organisations in India see cloud services as a means to develop new applications and support a more effective use of IT budgets,” said Ed Anderson, research vice president at Gartner.

According to Gartner’s latest cloud adoption survey, organisations in India demonstrate a preference for public cloud services beyond most other countries.

About 53 per cent of organisations in India indicate they are using cloud services today, with another 43 per cent indicating plans to begin using cloud services in the next 12 months.