Into the world of web TV

D. Murali Updated - April 03, 2011 at 06:57 PM.

A web TV is a platform dedicated to having content of short duration meant for the web audience, unlike Internet TV which is an extension of the normal television where the same contents that are telecast on television are streamed on the Internet, begins Sunil Raj .S, Director - Marketing & Communication, Vibes Visual & Media Pvt Ltd, Cochin (

User attention on the web is as low as 2 to 12 minutes unlike in the case of television, and that is why web TV content is of short duration, reasons Sunil during the course of a recent interaction with Business Line . Our conversation continues over email.

Excerpts from the interview.

What is the likely revenue model in the web TV space?

Creating content with in-program ads would be the ideal way, though there are many inorganic ways such as the traditional video buffering ads or ads fed by third-party players using ad words. But there are a lot of opportunities such as creating featured content or viral content that creates a buzz for the brand/product associated.

There's not a definitive model as of now, since web-based entertainment goes beyond the normal idiot box. We are talking about having presence in mobile, computers, televisions, third-party set-top boxes such as boxee, google tv, etc. So there is an immense potential to monetise content. The future marketing approach would be social, through the Internet; and hence, being a web platform connected to the Internet users gives one a head-start in trying out different ways of monetising.

Would you like to discuss how small business can benefit from web TV?

Advertising with a platform like web TV is cheaper and measurable, and more importantly, it lasts for a long duration. Whereas a television commercial would cost heavily for just a few seconds and only last for some time, on the web the contents are archived and the costs of advertising would be much less. Smaller business can thus get measurable results at a lower cost. Also, smaller companies can target their customers and conduct surveys.

Do you see potential for NGOs?

The first video we shot was for an NGO providing it with visual content support and a platform for it to promote its cause. We have partnered with NGOs in promoting their fundraisers and other events by providing media coverage and related services for their event.

We are also a production house, which enables us to create documentaries or videos that can help NGOs promote their cause. Not only can NGOs benefit from visual content but they can also find creative ways to reach out to their audiences.

What is your advice to students who want to make a career in this domain?

For a career in media you need to have a little bit of creativity and a lot of passion. Entertainment and media industry in India has been growing at a fast pace, but at the entry level things are still tough. Many media houses and television channels are taking shape in the country, giving the youth opportunity.

My advice would be to choose knowledge through experience rather than books. Creativity is something that can only be nurtured with time and experience than with formal education. Hence, to be in the top, you need to experiment a lot!

How do you see web TV integrating with UGC (user generated content) and social media platform?

Future customers are today's youth, and today's youth is on the web. Studies say that if you are not on the web you won't be able to reach out to your potential customers. When every business is seeing such a trend ahead, web TV can capitalise on the same. Social networking is about information sharing within your community and the network of your friends. For instance, in Indiavibes, we are working on a platform that creates conversations and interactions within our users. As we rely on user generated content, users can now share information, and their talents with a broader audience. And with content that is meant to attract web audiences, we will see people becoming more media savvy and sharing contents/videos.

Any other point of interest?

Our web TV concept has some interesting features that can add value to common people, small companies, and even big brands trying to reach out to customers.

1. User rewards programme : We reward our customers for interacting with us, and for feeding us with content.

2. Users can make money for their content: Users can opt for money for the content they feed us (conditions apply). This means amateurs or experts can experiment their talents and showcase them on a platform as well earn a few bucks for doing so.

3. Featured content/user: Small businesses and brands can have an in-house channel dedicated for them. Like how newspapers have e-paper, we can create a visual paper, a dedicated channel for them.

4. Crowd-sourcing made easy : Our users are a mix of creative socially-active people, which makes us and our users a pool of creative talent that can be used for leveraging your brand by crowd-sourcing surveys, creative work or anything for that matter.

5. Mobile entertainment: We are everywhere, be it your computers, your television sets and even your mobile. And guess what, our users can even anchor a show or be a part of the show through video-calling.


Published on April 3, 2011 13:27