The Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC), probing the telecom licensing policy framework, on Thursday asked the Telecom Department (DoT) to quantify the losses, if any, suffered by the Government on account of 2G spectrum allocation scam of 2008.

“There are various calculations and numbers put out by various agencies on the quantum of losses from 2G spectrum allocation of 2008. We told the DoT today that if losses are there, why don't you make the calculation and report it to the committee,” Mr P.C. Chacko, JPC Chairman, told Business Line here after today's meeting.

He pointed out that the quantum of loss put out by various individuals and agencies (including CAG and CBI) ranged from Rs 20,000 crore to Rs 1,90,000 crore.

The latest JPC directive is likely to put the DoT in a spot with the Telecom Minister, Mr Kapil Sibal, claiming in January this year that there was zero loss to the exchequer on account of the 2G spectrum allocation of 2008.

The main point of discussion at today's JPC meeting was the implementation of universal access service licensing (UASL) regime. “We have called for (from DoT and all other departments) all the details and documents that led to taking the UASL regime, including Cabinet decisions, files. We have also called for details on spectrum released by the Defence Ministry,” Mr Chacko said.

The JPC Chairman did not rule out calling the former telecom ministers as witnesses before the committee in the coming days. Both the licence issuers and also the beneficiaries of 2G spectrum allocation will be called by the committee, he said. The witness list will be finalised at the next meeting of JPC.

Meanwhile, Mr Chacko told reporters here that he has now directed the DoT to ensure that the executive summary of the latest CAG report (No 19 of 2010) should form part of the Telecom Department's presentation to JPC.

The TRAI Chairman, Mr J.S. Sharma, and other members appeared before the JPC today and made a presentation.

The JPC will next meet on May 30 and the entire day will be devoted to interaction with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India. After that, it will meet the CBI Director on June 7 and the Finance Ministry officials on June 8 for a briefing.
