A youth from the city has been chosen among 50 computer experts from across the globe by the Google for its ‘Mentor Summit’ to be held at its headquarter in California on October 20—21 this year.

Aditya Maheshwari, who will be presenting a paper on ‘How to attract youth for contribution in development cycle of open source world’, has been chosen by the internet giant as a student mentor of ‘Google Summer of Code 2012’ for playing an exemplary role as the online project guide on the international level.

“There will be three components of this summit, which are how to improve the programme, how Google can do more for open source and how mentors and representatives of development communities can help one another,” Maheshwari told reporters here.

Maheshwari is not only one of the two Indians to be invited by the Google at the summit, but also the youngest among all the participants.

The objective of this summit is to bring together the mentors of the ‘Google Summer of Code 2012’, which is a global programme that offers student developers stipends to write code for various open source software projects.