The buzzwords at this year's Microsoft TechEd are definitely Windows 8 and Windows Phone.

And a big focus of both these operating systems at this year's conference is apps. The recently unveiled Consumer Preview of Windows 8 showed the world that apps are the future for Microsoft.

On the sidelines of TechEd ‘12, Business Line spoke to Mr Harish Vaidyanathan, Director, Evangelism, Microsoft India, who works on Developer and Platform evangelism for the company.

Microsoft has been actively working with developers to build apps for Windows 8. And the company believes that HTML5 is the future. The advantage with creating apps for Windows 8, says Mr Vaidyanathan, is that developers just have to build them.

Apps for Azure

Microsoft does everything else, from providing the base platform, to upscaling it for different screen sizes and even adapting them for keyboard/mouse usage. Apart from Windows 8, Microsoft is also inviting developers to create apps for Windows Azure, the company's cloud platform.

The growing number of apps available also means that the company is regulating the apps that will make the cut.

Says Mr Vaidyanathan, “We have a robust certification policy. In fact, we are educating our developers and trying to build a designer ecosystem for Windows.”

Although Mr Vaidyanathan spoke about both Windows Phone and Windows 8 apps, he declined to comment on app portability across these platforms.

“Right now, we're still in the beta stage for Windows 8. We haven't made a decision on portability yet.”
