A lot of multinationals are struggling in India as their products are complex and expensive. How has NComputing approached this?

If you look at most US-based technology companies, they tend to struggle in the Indian market mostly because the market here is complex and solutions offered by these companies are invariably high cost. Such solutions often fail to gain traction in India.

At NComputing, we have always followed a different approach. We focus on developing IT solutions that are simple, deliver high-performance, and at the same time are affordable. This unique combination of simplicity, performance and affordability is what makes NComputing a perfect fit for the Indian market.

Indian enterprises have still not adopted Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD basically helps employees to bring in devise for office use)

BYOD is a trend that has been going through adoption in North America and Western European countries. In India, people have begun to talk about it. However, the adoption of BYOD in India is still at an early stage.

As organizations begin to think about BYOD, we want to say to them that they can be BYOD-ready the day they want to. Once they have centralized and virtualized their IT environments, enabling access to organization data and applications across devices can be made as easy as downloading a free application from an app store.

What are your India plans?

India represents the second largest market for NComputing (after the US) for many years now. According to IDC’s survey report for 2012, NComputing is APAC's No. 1 company for holding the largest enterprise client market share for the 4th year in a row. According to the report, in India, NComputing is way ahead of the competition with a whopping 56.8 per cent market share.

Currently, we are witnessing adoption of NComputing desktop virtualization solutions in more verticals than we have ever seen before, such as Healthcare, Manufacturing, Financial Services and Technology companies. As a result, NComputing business has also evolved beyond our traditional business segments such as Education and SME/SMB.

What are the key trends taking shape in the IT infrastructure space and how are these trends influencing the overall IT landscape across organisations?

The recent IT trends are being observed around BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) and Mobility. This means, people want to access not just their own desktop or applications, but also their workspace, anytime-anywhere, from the device of their choice. These trends are in turn accelerating the adoption of desktop virtualisation. To adapt to this changed scenario, organisations are realizing the need to make their IT infrastructure device agnostic.

What kind of solutions does NComputing offer to support BYOD and Mobility?

NComputing offers end-to-end, integrated virtualisation solutions, which include vSpace virtualisation software for server/host PC, end-point thin client devices, and vSpace client software (for use on non-NComputing end-point devices such as laptops, tablets, and smart phones) to support the adoption of BYOD and Mobility. This it does by enabling a centrally virtualised and device agnostic IT infrastructure.
